‘tick, tick … BOOM!’
Musical insights into the life of Jonathan Larson before the award-winning ‘Rent’

Time is ticking, ticking away. Many have experienced the feeling that time keeps marching forward, even when our lives seem stuck. “Tick, tick … BOOM!” explores the feeling of a young man who questions his career aspirations. Even better, the musical tells this age-old story through the life of Jonathan Larson, composer of the wildly successful musical “Rent.”
Before he wrote the Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning musical “Rent,” Jonathan Larson wrote this semi-autobiographical show. It conveys his experience as an aspiring, struggling composer who questions his life as he nears his 30th birthday.
Sadly, before the opening night of “Rent,” Larson died of a brain aneurysm. The musical “tick, tick … BOOM!” explores how he arrived at his grand creation.
Larson began to perform “tick, tick … BOOM!” as a solo work in 1990. After his death in 1996, it was revised as a three-actor piece and premiered Off-Broadway in 2001. Lin-Manuel Miranda produced a film adaption, which was released in 2021.
“tick, tick … BOOM!”
Sept. 9 to 30, 2023
Swift Creek Mill Theatre, 17401 Route 1, South Chesterfield, VA
To purchase tickets, go to SwiftCreekMill.com or call 804-748-5203.