BOOMER Writers on the Go

December 18th, 2017

These rolling stones gather no moss. Or cobwebs

Joan Tupponce
Joan Tupponce

BOOMER columnist Randy Fitzgerald and his wife, Barbara, have published a collection of columns. Woven with humor, whimsy and wisdom, the anecdotes come from Randy, who has also been a columnist for The Richmond News Leader and the Richmond Times-Dispatch, and Barbara, freelance writer. Flights of Fancy: Stories, Conversations and Life Travels with a Bemused Columnist and His Whimsical Wife.

Martha Steger

Randy writes of ordinary and outrageous events, including an encounter with members of the British Royal family (including the queen) and another with Willie Nelson. He tells of their honeymoon trip to the Putt-Putt capital of the world and of the time Barb backed the car over his Martin guitar. Barb adds her amused and amusing commentaries.

Robin Farmer, fan of Ray McAllister
Robin Farmer

Several regular BOOMER writers placed in the 2017 National Federation of Press Women awards. Bonnie Atwood won first place in the Personality Profile more than 500 words category for “Emily Couric What Might Have Been.” Martha Steger won second place in Specialty articles, Arts and Entertainment, for “Inside Downton Abbey’s Library” and for her BOOMER article, “American Bandstand’s Regulars.” Honorable mentions also went to Martha Steger and Joan Tupponce.


Bonnie Atwood, fan of Ray McAllister
Bonnie Atwood

Robin Farmer was awarded a fellowship by the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Amherst, Virginia. The fellowship provides Farmer and other writers, visual artists and composers with a private room, studio and meals, lasting anywhere from two weeks to two months. During this time, the artists have no obligations, giving them time free from distraction as well as the community of other creative minds.

Finally, Ray McAllister (, BOOMER columnist and former BOOMER editor, has published an enhanced 10th anniversary edition of his book, Wrightsville Beach: The Luminous Island. The new edition is 35 percent larger, with double the number of illustrations. It includes an afterword by Ray McAllister detailing changes and challenges facing Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina.

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