The Wisdom of a Child

By Darlene Edwards | February 23rd, 2022

Two years old and already teaching her grandparents

grandmother granddaughter Photo by Kolinkotanya Dreamstime. For article on the wisdom of a child

In “The Wisdom of a Child,” Boomer reader Darlene Edwards shares the insights and wisdom she has seen modeled by her two-year-old granddaughter!

My husband and I are the proud parents of two amazing adult daughters and a wonderful son-in-law. In addition, not long ago, we became brand new grandparents to a beautiful granddaughter, who is now a spunky two-year-old – our one and only grandchild at this point. Now, I recognize there is a lot of grandparent wisdom out there and folks who have many more grandchildren than we do. I know there is so much we want to share with her; however, what is interesting is there is so much she is teaching us! Hence, I want to share some of those experiences.

First, the belly laugh.

You recognize that sound. When a child is just so overjoyed with whatever is happening, they laugh straight from their tummy and just cackle. Literally, it travels throughout the room and makes everyone else laugh and the adults will try to continue the laughter by making funny faces or sounds.

The benefits of laughter are well documented in many medical journals, ranging from pain relief to enhancing stress relief. A good belly laugh has also shown benefits in exercising the internal organs. Adding laughter to each day is often overlooked in adulthood, but our granddaughter consistently reminds us of the innocence and joy of laughter and just how good it makes us feel.

Everything is new and wondrous.

The twinkle in our granddaughter’s eyes and the look she gives you whenever she finds something new and amazing is an incredible feeling. From a dried-up, yet colorful leaf to a new puppy, both are exciting and wonderful in her eyes. Seeing the world for the first time, she is curious and focused on every little detail when she witnesses new things.

What if adults looked at life in the same way? What if we looked up when we walked or listened for sounds that break all around us that we often overlook? Through her fresh, sparkling eyes, our granddaughter teaches her grandparents that every day can be new, interesting and exciting.


Our granddaughter loves to give out hugs. If you are feeling bad, have a “boo-boo,” or just feeling happy, she believes a hug is just what you need.

Many research journals and documents validate that hugging has stress-reducing effects for both huggers, and it may contribute to overall health.


How does this item open? How does this item close? How many items can I carry at once? What are you doing? Why are you doing that? Our granddaughter investigates all those questions with focus and determination. Watching her face when she explores how something works is a joy to see. She teaches all the adults around her that curiosity makes all things new again.

Learning new techniques and new methods of doing something helps to keep our minds sharp and growing.

Kindness and manners.

Our granddaughter is so kind! Her parents consistently work at teaching her all the manners she needs to help her be successful in life. Without reservation, she will say “hello” and wave to neighbors on the street, which immediately brings a smile to the adults that pass by. She uses words like “please,” “thank you,” and “you are welcome” routinely.

These skills remind me that as adults we can extend more kindness to our families and our community with just a smile, a wave, or a nod – the smallest of gestures.

Asking for help.

Our granddaughter does not mind asking for help. When she is struggling to get her jacket on or off, she will quickly say “help please,” then the nearby adult will offer just the right amount of support to accomplish her goal.

As adults, we are often reluctant to ask for help on a project or activity, fearful of what others might think. Our granddaughter will just ask for support when she needs it and then move on to her next task, not considering what others may think.

Celebrate success.

When our granddaughter completes her task, opening an item, moving something out of her path, putting on her jacket, or countless other items, you can see a big smile, and she will exclaim “I did it!“ She will then encourage everyone to come see her accomplishment. As adults, we often miss the celebrations of success that help us enjoy the hard work we have completed and move us toward future tasks.

We are absolutely positive there are many more lessons to come from our granddaughter. As she grows and enters the world, just keeping our eyes and hearts open for what’s to come will certainly create more enjoyment in the days ahead. Janet Lanes reminds us: “Grandchildren are loving reminders of what we are here for.” That statement is so true.

Reflections on aging … and closing words from the wisdom of a child

Engaging with your grandchildren in the kitchen

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