Kate W. Hall's column from the Dec.-Jan. issue deals with some pretty heavy content.
BOOMER's therapist has a few things to say about family dynamics when it comes to caregiving.
The Balloon Sinus Dilation is a revolutionary office treatment for chronic and recurrent sinusitis.
For most of us who work the 9-to-5, fall and winter kind of stinks. Sure, the autumn leaves are nice, and the holidays are spectacular. But let’s face it: Nothing spells depressing like a long day at the office followed by … darkness … and a long commute home in said darkness.
Caregiving expert Betty Booker shares 7 tips on taking care of our aging parents.
Writer Betty Booker gives some advice on caring for aging relatives.
Health writer A.J. Hostetler on how taking care of your teeth can prevent other health issues, as well.
Columnist Kate Hall on what it's like to be a modern-day parent.
BOOMER's therapist Fran Marmor on families moving closer to each other.